Kohistan Express Bus Timing | Kohistan Fares List

Kohistan Express Fares List | Bus Timings

from Faisalabad to other cities


Faisalabad to Gujranwala

07:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.600
08:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.600
09:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.600
10:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.600
11:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.600
12:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
01:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
02:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
03:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
04:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
05:20 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
06:10 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
07:15 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
08:15 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600
09:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.600


Faisalabad to Islamabad

01:00 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
05:30 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
06:30 AM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
07:30 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
08:20 AM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
09:10 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
10:00 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
10:40 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
11:20 AM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
12:00 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
12:40 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
01:40 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
02:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
03:10 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
03:50 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
04:50 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
05:30 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
06:10 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
07:10 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
08:30 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000
09:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1000
11:30 PM(Business Plus) Rs.1000

Faisalabad to Multan

05:15 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
06:10 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
07:00 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
07:40 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
08:20 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
09:00 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
10:50 AM(Daewoo) Rs.820
12:15 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
01:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
02:40 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
03:20 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
04:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
04:40 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
06:10 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
06:50 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
07:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820
09:50 PM(Daewoo) Rs.820

Faisalabad – Bahawalpur

12:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050
04:20 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050
08:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050

Faisalabad – Mianchannu

Departure TimeBus Type – Fare
12:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.490
03:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.490
03:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.490
05:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.490
07:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.490

Faisalabad – DG Khan

12:45 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050
05:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050
11:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1050

Faisalabad – Sialkot

08:00 AM(Daewoo) Rs.720
11:00 AM(Daewoo) Rs.720
02:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.720
05:00 PM(Daewoo) Rs.720
07:30 PM

Faisalabad – Sadaqabad

10:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1450
Faisalabad – Peshawar

12:00 AM(Daewoo) Rs.1150
Faisalabad – Mansehra

10:30 PM(Daewoo) Rs.1350


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